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Pia Bhatia​
Pia Bhatia is a junior in the College at Georgetown University. She is a physics major, originally from New Jersey.
About the Collection
The purpose of this archive is to shed light on the way that American higher education has grappled with the COVID-19 crisis. As such, this archive includes email correspondence from various American universities to their student bodies, and other online content, ranging from student-created memes to online news articles describing the experiences of students.
I compiled emails sent by various American universities to their student bodies regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. As a current student at Georgetown University, emails sent to Georgetown students were included. I compiled the communications sent by other universities by reaching out to my family and friends who are also completing their degrees. Given this, the universities represented in this collection are limited to where my family and friends attend school. This archive will (hopefully) provide resources to future historians wishing to analyze the response of American higher education to COVID-19. Moreover, as a college student myself, I am curious to see if other institutions have and will respond similarly (or not) to Georgetown. Additionally, Twitter and Facebook are social platforms used frequently by college students. As I come across any content on these platforms that is particularly relevant to the experience of college students during COVID-19, I included these documents in this archive.
Below I thank the individuals who have contributed email correspondence to my collection:
Emma Cullen, Bucknell University (PA), Class of 2021
Mary Fran Howard, Wake Forest University (NC), Class of 2021
Jack Riccardo, Brown University (RI), Class of 2021
Nisha Gupta, New York University (NY), Class of 2022
Charlotte Walsh, Northwestern University (IL), Class of 2021
Karen Mani, The George Washington University (DC), Class of 2021
Armeen Mozaffari, UC Berkeley (CA), Class of 2021
Jared Ciocco, County College of Morris (NJ), Faculty Member
Nina Bhatia, Washington University in St. Louis (MO), Class of 2021
Collection Description
Brown University
President Christina H. Paxson, “Brown transition to remote learning and limited on-campus housing,” 3/12/20
Dean of the College Rashid Zia, Brown University, “Regarding Brown's Grading Policy,” 3/30/20
Eric Estes, Vice President for Campus Life et al, “Support for the remote learning transition,” 3/12/20
Jack Riccardo-Wood to Dean of the College Rashid Zia, “Response to Grading System Decision,” 3/31/20
President Christina H. Paxson, “Maintaining our community and reuniting for Commencement & Reunion,” 3/24/20
President Christina H. Paxson, “Brown Commencement and Reunion Weekend,” 3/24/20
President Christina H. Paxson, “Brown's commitment to Providence and Rhode Island,” 4/3/20
Brown University
Bucknell University
County College of Morris
President Anthony J. Iacono, Email, 3/4/20
Kevin Chen, Testing Center Supervisor, to Online/Hybrid Faculty, “Important Testing Center Information Effective Immediately,” 3/12/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Email, 3/17/20
Student Affairs, Rules and Regulations, “Infectious Disease Control Policy for County College of Morris Students,” 3/10/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Email, 3/13/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Email, 3/19/20
Student Affairs, Rules and Regulations, “Infectious Disease Control Policy for County College of Morris Students,” 3/10/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Letter to Employees on campus closure beginning 3/13/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Email, 3/11/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Email, 3/16/20
John Marlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, to Adjunct Faculty, “COVID-19 Action Plan- additional notes for faculty,” 3/19/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Email, 3/20/20
Pam Marcenaro, Dean of Learning Support & Opportunity Services, "Tutoring Center - Reopens on Monday Virtually," 3/27/20
John Marlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, "Pass-Fail grading option for Spring 2020," 4/2/20
John Marlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Patrick J. Enright, Vice President for Professional Studies and Applied Sciences, Memorandum for CCM Faculty, Staff, and Students, "Pass-Fail Grading for Spring 2020," 4/2/20
President Anthony J. Iacono, Letter to Students, 4/3/20
County College of Morris
Georgetown University
Provost Robert M. Groves et al, “Update on Georgetown Actions Regarding Coronavirus Outbreak,” 1/28/20
Provost Robert M. Groves et al, “COVID-19 Update: Announcing Moratorium on All Student University-Sponsored International Travel,” 3/4/20
Provost Robert M. Groves et al, “Reminders for Staying Safe During International Travel,” 2/10/20
Dr. Vince WinklerPrins, Chief Public Health Officer, and Todd Olson, Vice President for Student Affairs, “COVID-19 Update: Staying Healthy During Spring Break,” 3/5/20
Provost Robert M. Groves et al, “Updated University Travel Guidance,” 2/25/20
Dr. Vince WinklerPrins, Chief Public Health Officer, “COVID-19 Public Health Alert: Case Being Treated at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital,” 3/8/20
Provost Robert M. Groves et al, “Important Update on COVID-19 Planning and Travel Announcements,” 3/2/20
Lee Reed, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics to Alumni Clubs, “BIG EAST Conference Pre-Game 'Hit the Road Jack' Event Canceled,” 3/10/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “Message From the Provost of the University,” 3/11/20
Todd Olson, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Ben Kuo, Vice President of Planning and
Facilities Management, “COVID-19 Update: Important Undergraduate Residential Living Information,” 3/11/20
Jeff Urbach, Professor and Chair, Department of Physics, “Message from the Provost and Dean Healton on Research Continuity,” 3/11/20
President John J. DiGioia, “Announcing our Transition to a Virtual Learning Environment,” 3/11/20
Christopher Celenza, Dean of the College, “COVID-19 Update,” 3/11/20
Dr. Vince WinklerPrins, Chief Public Health Officer, “COVID-19 Update: Public Health Alert Regarding Travel from Europe,” 3/12/20
President John J. DeGioia, “Extending Virtual Learning Environment through the End of the Semester,” 3/13/20
Cawley Career Education Center, “Cawley COVID-19 Updates: We're going virtual!,” 3/13/20
Provost Robert M. Groves and Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, “COVID-19 Update: Move-Out Process for Residential Life,” 3/13/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “COVID-19 Update: Flexibilities to Assist Undergraduate Students During Spring 2020 Remote Learning,” 3/14/20
Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, “COVID-19 Update: Resources on Main Campus,” 3/15/20
Dr. Vince WinklerPrins, Chief Public Health Officer, “Public Health Alert: First Member of Georgetown Community Confirmed with COVID-19,” 3/15/20
Mary Beth Connell, Associate Dean and Director of Pre-Health Programs, “The option for pass/fail grading,” 3/15/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “Our New Pathway,” 3/16/20
Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and Todd Olson, Vice President for Student Affairs, “COVID-19 Update: Move-Out and On-Campus Operations,” 3/17/20
Provost Robert M. Groves et al, “Update on Student Employment,” 3/17/20
President John J. DiGioia, “Announcement regarding Commencement,” 3/18/20
Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and Todd Olson, Vice President
for Student Affairs, “COVID-19 Update: Additional Move-Out Updates,” 3/18/20
College Dean’s Office, “Pass/Fail and Withdrawal FAQs,” 3/18/20
Christopher Celenza, Dean of the College, “Commencement announcement,” 3/18/20
Pass/Fail for Spring 2020
Withdrawal for Spring 2020
Caren Sobier, Director of Student Employment, and Rebecca Risley, Director of Payroll Services, “Information for Processing Student Employment Hours,” 3/20/20
Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, “COVID-19: Updates on Campus Operations,” 3/20/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, and Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine, “COVID-19 Update: New Guidelines and Sanctions Related to Social Distancing,” 3/21/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “Tell us how your first week went,” 3/22/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and Harriette Hemmasi, Dean of the Library, “COVID-19 Update: Georgetown University Library Goes Virtual,” 3/23/20
Geoff Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, “COVID-19: Updates on Campus Operations,” 3/24/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “COVID-19 Update: Summer Course Offerings Moved to Virtual Delivery,” 3/27/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “COVID-19 Update: Congratulations! Two Weeks Completed!.” 3/27/20
David Green, Chief Financial Officer, and Richard Marea, Revenue and Receivables, “COVID-19 Update: Suspension of Financial Penalties and Collection Actions,” 3/31/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “Revised Grading Policy for Spring 2020,” 4/2/20
Provost Robert M. Groves et al, “COVID-19 Update: Impacts From New “Stay-at-Home” Orders for DC, Maryland and Virginia,” 3/30/20
Mary Beth Connell, Associate Dean and Director of Pre-Health Programs, “Summer pre-req courses, AMCAS application workshop and Zoom sessions,” 4/10/20
Provost Robert M. Groves, “REMINDER: We'd like to hear from you about your second week,” 3/30/20
David Green, Chief Financial Officer, and Richard Marea, Revenue and Receivables, “COVID-19 Update: Important Information Regarding On-Campus Housing Reimbursements,” 4/14/20
Georgetown University
George Washington University
GW COVID-19 Update, “CLARIFICATION: GW Issues Guidance on Social Distancing, Events,” 3/11/20
M. Brian Blake, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, “Guidance Regarding Student Employment,” 3/12/20
Seth Weinshel and Stewart Robinette, GW’s Campus Living and Residential Education Team, “COVID-19 Update: Housing Credit for Spring 2020,” 3/19/20
Rory Muhammad, Director & Title IX Coordinator and Caroline Laguerre-Brown, Vice Provost,
Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement, “COVID-19 UPDATE: Title IX Office,” 3/26/20
Seth Weinshel and Stewart Robinette, GW’s Campus Living and Residential Education Team, “COVID-19 Update: Details & Instructions About Your Pack & Store Process,” 3/29/20
GW-Multi Cultural Student Services Center, “MSSC E-News | Students Adjusting to a New Reality, Imagine if it was 1979? | MSSC Online Events,” 3/31/20
George Washington University
New York University
New York University
President Andrew Hamilton and Senior Leadership, “Important New Coronavirus-related Measures and Restrictions, and Possible Future Steps,” 3/9/20
President Andrew Hamilton, “A Message Before Spring Break from NYU President Andrew Hamilton,” 3/12/20
Interim Dean of NYU Steinhardt Pamela Morris, “NYU Steinhardt's Response to New University Guidelines,” 3/9/20
Interim Dean of NYU Steinhardt Pamela Morris, “Taking care of yourself and each other,” 3/13/20
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs Marc Wais, Letter to Students, 3/17/20
Interim Dean of NYU Steinhardt Pamela Morris, “Staying Connected,” 3/20/20
Provost Katherine Fleming et al, “Memorandum: Summary of NYU’s Response to the Latest COVID-19-related Developments,” 3/24/20
Interim Dean of NYU Steinhardt Pamela Morris, “New and Updated Resources,” 3/24/20
President Andrew Hamilton, “A Message about NYU's 2020 Commencement,” 3/25/20
Interim Dean of NYU Steinhardt Pamela Morris, “Reimagining NYU Steinhardt’s Commencement,” 3/25/20
President Andrew Hamilton, Message to Students,” 3/10/20
Interim Dean of NYU Steinhardt Pamela Morris, “New Updates and Resources for the NYU Steinhardt Community,” 3/11/20
Director of Athletics Christopher Bledsoe, “Important Updates to NYU Athletics and Gym Facilities,” 3/13/20
University Registrar, Elizabeth Kienle-Granzo, “Deadline Extensions for Spring 2020,” 3/22/20
Professor Natasha Schüll, MCC Director of Undergraduate Studies, “MCC and Steinhardt Pass/Fail Policy for Spring 2020,” 3/24/20
President Andrew Hamilton, “More COVID-19 News: Closing the Student Residence Halls and Holding Classes Remotely Through the End of the Semester.” 3/16/20
Delmy M. Lendof, Associate Dean for the Office of Student Affairs, “Deadline Extension to Drop Classes and Pass/Fail,” 3/22/20
NYU Steinhardt, Spring 2020 Pass/Fail Option Form
President Andrew Hamilton, “Our NYU - April 2020,” 4/3/20
Northwestern University
President Morton Schapiro, “Spring Break extended, courses to go remote,” 3/11/20
Provost Jonathan Holloway and Kathleen Hagerty, Interim Provost Designate, “Update to Winter Finals Policy,” 3/15/20
Provost Jonathan Holloway et al, “Illinois “stay-at-home” order,” 3/20/20
Julie Payne-Kirchmeier, Vice President for Student Affairs et al, “Undergraduate Room and Board Refunds,” 3/26/20
Provost Jonathan Holloway et al, “Extending ‘stay-at-home’ order,” 3/31/20
Provost Jonathan Holloway and Kathleen Hagerty, Interim Provost Designate, “Spring Quarter Grading and Policy,” 3/31/20
President Morton Schapiro, “Remote Instruction for Entire Spring Quarter,” 4/6/20
Northwestern University
University of California, Berkeley
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “Update on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19),” 2/27/20
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “Campus update on the coronavirus (COVID-19),” 3/2/20
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “City of Berkeley confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) case,” 3/3/20
Chancellor Carol Christ, “Chancellor message regarding COVID-19,” 3/6/20
Randy H. Katz, Vice Chancellor for Research, “COVID-19 Research Resiliency Planning for the UC Berkeley Community,” 3/9/20
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel,” 3/6/20
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “Important changes regarding COVID-19 and campus events,” 3/11/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “IMPORTANT: Share your spring break travel plans for campus health preparations,” 3/6/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Housing options for the remainder of the spring semester,” 3/13/20
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “Confirmed case of COVID-19 at UC Berkeley,” 3/14/20
Chancellor Carol Christ, “Alameda County Shelter-In-Place Order,” 3/16/20
Chancellor Carol Christ, “URGENT COVID-19 Update: Moving toward greatly reduced operations,” 3/16/20
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, “Campus Directive During Bay Area Shelter In Place,” 3/18/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Student check payments, temporary suspension of late fees,” 3/18/20
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, “Grading Policies for the Spring Semester of 2020,” 3/20/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Supporting you during remote instruction,” 3/30/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Accounts Payable- update on the production and timing of paper checks,” 3/20/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Cal Counts: 2020 Census Has Begun!,” 4/1/20
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, “Instructor and Student FAQs for the Spring Semester 2020 Grading Policy,” 4/2/20
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, “Climate Issues and Virtual Class Copyright,” 4/6/20
Diana Harvey, Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications and Public Affairs, “Berkeley Conversations Schedule,” 4/13/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Stay in and vote! Online student government elections April 6-8,” 4/2/20
Diana Harvey, Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications and Public Affairs, “Berkeley Conversations April 7-13,” 4/6/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Limited on-campus COVID-19 testing for students, staff and faculty,” 4/14/20
Chancellor Carol Christ, “A Message of Gratitude,” 3/20/20
Oscar Dubon, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, “E&I virtual services in response to COVID-1,” 3/24/20
Diana Harvey, Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications and Public Affairs, “COVID-19: The campus launches a new live online series,” 4/2/20
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, “Grading Principles for Spring Semester 2020,” 4/3/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “COVID-19 U.S. Fed Gvt Relief Bill: What to Expect,” 4/9/20
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, “Guidance on alternative instruction and exams,” 3/4/20
Chancellor Carol Christ, “URGENT: New campus actions regarding COVID-19,” 3/9/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Student Technology for Remote Instruction Needs -- Response to COVID-19,” 3/13/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Supporting you during this challenging time: Important reminders and support,” 3/17/20
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “COVID-19 Campus Update - March 20,” 3/20/20
Randy H. Katz, Vice Chancellor for Research, “Are you conducting research related to COVID-19?,” 3/26/20
Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor for Administration, “Shelter in place extension and preparations,” 4/2/20
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, “Summer Sessions 2020 Remote Instruction,” 4/3/20
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, “Give back, get engaged during COVID-19,” 4/10/20
University of Californa, Berkeley
Wake Forest University
Washington University in St Louis
Georgetown University Social Media

Georgetown University Social Media Meme 1

Georgetown University Social Media Meme 2

Georgetown University Social Media Meme 8

Georgetown University Social Media Meme 1
Georgetown University Social Media
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