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Elizabeth George


Elizabeth George is a rising sophomore in the School of Foreign Service planning to major in Science, Technology, and International Affairs with minors in French and International Development. While she's proud to say she hails from Cary, North Carolina, she's not so proud of the fact that her state recently reported one of the highest numbers of current coronavirus hospitalizations since the pandemic began. Her quarantine has included incredible amounts of family time, long nature walks, and of course, banana bread. Please continue below for a full documentation of the archive.

TikTok Thumbnail - Elizabeth George.jpg

Quarantining and Social Distancing


Online School

Online School

Working From Home

Working from Home

Family Time

Family Time

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals



Philanthropic Effects

Philanthropic Effects

© 2020 Dr. Ananya Chakravarti

Thanks to Rajeev Kozhikattuthodi for his help in building this website.

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